domingo, 19 de março de 2017


 Good  night  !!!

"Write, whether it be a letter, a diary, or a few notes as you speak on the telephone, but write: try to strip your soul in writing, though no one reads, or, worse, that someone ends up reading what he did not want. The simple act of writing helps us to organize thinking and to see more clearly what surrounds us.A paper and a pen do miracles, heal pains, consolidate dreams, lead and bring lost hope.

(Text by Paulo Coelho)

A big hug and a blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance .....

"Let's donate BLOOD: Let's save LIFE!"


  Bom dia  !!! Não há palavras iguais. Cada uma tem um significado que é só dela. Cada uma encaixa num breve momento que vivemos dando orig...