segunda-feira, 25 de setembro de 2017


 Good  night  !!

And we're going to be completing.
One for the other and both for one.
And God writing right ...
By our lines that if they were not so crooked they would not have crossed.
And there come so many people coming in and fitting into our lives.
And fitting into our soul in such a way.
Just to prove that everything comes from the inside out.
It is just the command of life in your movement
For we are made of moments.
We are made of stories that deserve to be told and deserve respect.
For along our walk we will have these people on the journey.
That you will share with us and call us a friend.
In these Yes ... we will see God!
(Author: Rosangela Bertoni Poesias)

A big hug and a blessed night to all.

Joy, health, abundance

"Be a blood donor: life thanks!"


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