quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017


 Good  day !!

Give a smile to life, it is too beautiful not to be lived.
God gives us every day a new opportunity to be, to have and to conquer.
What limits our dreams is our faith.
And if there suddenly appear stones in the way ... do not be afraid, have courage, surpass with the certainty that God will not lead you in ways that your strength can not be.
So be light, be strong, have God, and you will have everything you need.

( Unknown author )

A big hug and a very blessed day to all.

Joy, health, abundance

"Be a blood donor: life thanks!"


Bom dia  !!! Nunca permitas que ninguém te faça esquecer quem tu és. A vida pode ser cheia de vozes que tentam moldar-te: caminhos que tent...