sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2017


 Good  day  !!

I always feel happy, you know why? Because I expect nothing from anyone. Waiting always hurts. Problems are not eternal, they always have a solution. The only thing that is not solved is death. Life is short, so love it! Live intensely and remember:
Before you speak ... listen! Before writing ... think! Before criticizing ... examine! Before you hurt ... feel! Before you pray ... forgive! Before you spend ... win! Before surrender ... try again! Before he died ... live!

( Unknown author )

A big hug and a super blessed Friday at all.

Joy, health, abundance

"Be supportive of blood: life is grateful!"


  Bom dia  !!!! Ter fé é entender que não controlamos tudo, que há uma força maior que orquestra o universo. É saber que nossos esforços, ...