domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018


 Good   day  !!!

Do not regret the "no" of God, accept because He is taking care of you. What you think is punishment is often deliverance so that up front you can live and enjoy something better and greater for your life. Sometimes we think we've lost a battle, when in fact we're going to conquer something bigger and better. There are pains that hurt, losses that open wounds, but over time we realize that we are so strong that they did not come to consume us, but to strengthen us. As a step to climb higher, a bridge to cross the river. Regarding any situation there is God's care for us, there are angels to protect us from letting the strong winds knock us down or the losses make us give up. All things contribute to our good, if something was not as we wish and we end up losing along the way, understand that it is God's plan, it is He telling you that there is something bigger and better up there. God is taking care of you, feel loved.

(Text by Yla Fernandes -)

A big hug and a very blessed Sunday with their families.

Joy, health abundance .....

"To donate blood is a gesture of love to the next, be supportive."


Bom dia  !!!! Meus pais foram casados por 55 anos. Certo dia, pela manhã, quando minha mãe descia para preparar o café da manhã para meu p...