sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2019


Good  day   !!!!

"My first miracle happens every morning when I open my eyes and I come across life, I do not know how to complain, I do not know how to complain, after receiving such perfect grace, such a beautiful gift and a confidence so inexplicable that only God can have with us through the many failures that we have committed.It is with gratitude in my heart that I always start my day ... "

(Text by Cecilia Sfalsin)

A big hug and a super blessed Friday at all.

Joy, health abundance ....

"Giving blood is an act of love for the next,"


  Bom dia  !!!! Ter fé é entender que não controlamos tudo, que há uma força maior que orquestra o universo. É saber que nossos esforços, ...