quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2019


Good   day     !!!!

It's always like that...

One morning pulling me to Life, a sun warming my heart,

A force springing from faith,

Something I don't see,

however I feel and believe,

there is something powerful guiding me ...

The footsteps tread the love, redeeming the courage, enhancing the strength and undermining in me all the reason, motivation ... gratitude for what I have and I am ...

At last life restarts in God every morning!

(Text by Lanna Borges)

A big hug and a very blessed Thursday to all.

Joy, health abundance ....

"Donating blood is an act of love for others."


Bom dia  !!! "Não é sobre o que você reclama e sim sobre o que você lembra de agradecer. A vida na Terra não é fácil mesmo, vai ter ...