sábado, 14 de setembro de 2019


Good  day  !!!!!

Dear God, thank you for one more day. For the opportunity to get up early and contemplate the certainty that anything is possible when you retire the fear of trying.

I ask you to bless today. Opening the paths that I will tread protecting me from all gratuitous evil that does not teach and only impoverishes the soul of its emanator.

Thank you for turning yesterday's fears into light today. The doubts that occupied me give space to the courage to risk. Faith has been an effective fuel in daily pilgrimage.

Dear God, thank you for leading me through the confusion, for calming my heart and reaching out for me. May your wills continue to prevail. Amen.

(Text by MarcelyPieroniGastaldi)

A big hug and a very blessed Saturday to all.

Joy, health abundance .......

"Donating blood is an act of love for others."


  As pessoas estão perdendo a habilidade de dialogar e de conhecer o outro. Elas ouvem, mas não escutam; falam, mas não se deixam conhecer;...