sexta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2019


Good night    !!!!!

One of the hardest exercises? Calm the heart when the sourness spreads in unequal proportions.

Annoyances tend to discourage us and if we let ourselves be overwhelmed by discomfort we will bring to us the channeling of energies that will only make us bitter.

Free yourself right away. Things go wrong all the time and this helps us to take a deep breath and to re-route our paths so that we have more balance.

It's not just clinging to the bright side of every situation. It is knowing that your body is a temple and within it should only remain what it does well.

Take a deep breath and start over. Do not let others' frustration be yours; Do not let the turmoil that does not live in you take you hostage.

He who chooses to be a victim is unable to save himself, always expects too much, and in return lets several opportunities to be happy escape - because the least also has its value.

(Text by Marcely Pieroni Gastaldi.)

A big hug and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance ......

"Be a blood donor: life thanks you!"


  Boa noite!!! Poema sobre a Velhice Por José Saramago Quantos anos eu tenho? O que importa isso? Tenho a idade que escolho e que sinto...