quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2020


Good   day  !!!!

  Welcome dawn ...
And that every moment of your days is welcome.
Welcome those who share our daily bread ...
Who smiles at us with his eyes and extends his hand.
Welcome 'the one' who weaves hope every day.
And that brings us comfort ... warmth, shoulder friend.
Welcome 'the one' who fights for life ... for survival ... who does not give up, who has faith.
Welcome to the day, life ... welcome!

(Text by LuAndrade *)

A big hug and a super blessed Thursday to all.

Joy, health abundance ......

"Donating blood is a gesture of love for others."


  Bom dia  !!!! Ter fé é entender que não controlamos tudo, que há uma força maior que orquestra o universo. É saber que nossos esforços, ...