domingo, 10 de maio de 2020


Good  night  !!!

Everything is so strange, nothing will ever be as it was one day. There is an invisible storm falling on humanity. When I stop to think, everything hurts. I wanted to have the peace of Sister Coen, but everything in me is hysteria and anxiety. I look at the sky and all that blue fills me with hope. I care so much, but my hands are tied. Nature is even more beautiful, it comforts me.
The land is recovering. How wonderful!
The man is still self-destructing, even during the pandemic, the power dances fresh in the insane minds. That slaughter. I just want a crack of serenity, a peaceful sleep and a tomorrow full of good news. I hope, deliver and trust 🙏🏻

(Text by JuFuzetto-)

A big hug and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, sapud abundance ......

"Donating blood is an act of love for others."


  História...... Este pobre mecânico estava namorando uma linda garota online. Um dia a gata pediu-lhe que mandasse dinheiro para o transpo...