Quem eu realmente sou? Sou um alguém inteiro, feliz, que não se limita a estereótipos, pois mudo, não sou estático, mas acima de tudo tenho amor-próprio e respeito pelo meu eu, pela vida que tenho e por todos que me cercam.
domingo, 10 de maio de 2020
Good night !!!
Everything is so strange, nothing will ever be as it was one day. There is an invisible storm falling on humanity. When I stop to think, everything hurts. I wanted to have the peace of Sister Coen, but everything in me is hysteria and anxiety. I look at the sky and all that blue fills me with hope. I care so much, but my hands are tied. Nature is even more beautiful, it comforts me.
The land is recovering. How wonderful!
The man is still self-destructing, even during the pandemic, the power dances fresh in the insane minds. That slaughter. I just want a crack of serenity, a peaceful sleep and a tomorrow full of good news. I hope, deliver and trust 🙏🏻
(Text by JuFuzetto-)
A big hug and a super blessed night to all.
Joy, sapud abundance ......
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