Quem eu realmente sou? Sou um alguém inteiro, feliz, que não se limita a estereótipos, pois mudo, não sou estático, mas acima de tudo tenho amor-próprio e respeito pelo meu eu, pela vida que tenho e por todos que me cercam.
segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2020
Good night !!!!
"There comes a time when we realize that sometimes, in order to be true to ourselves, we need to have the detachment to bless unsuccessful attempts, thank for what each one has taught us, and follow. sometimes, in order to rebuild, we have to demolish buildings that, as attractive as they are, are not consistent with the idea of our life. We realize how protected we are when we are in harmony with our heart. our heart is essentially pure, essentially loving, the embroiderer capable of weaving the beauties that are manifested in the territory of forms, that, knowing it or not, it is he who has the keys to the doors that give access to the gardens of God. , now and then, when in full creative communion, go in there, take a seedling and bring it to make it bloom on the bed of the world. "
(Text by Ana Jácomo)
A big hug and a super blessed night to all.
Joy, health, abundance ......
"Donating blood is a gesture of love for others."
Boa Noite !!! Vai. Vai mesmo com medo, mesmo que hesites, mesmo que seja difícil. Arrisca... Arrisca lutar pelo que acreditas. E, me...

Bom dia !!! "Que estejamos presentes em memórias alheia. Que alguém já distante lembre do nosso sorriso e se sinta acolhido. Que...
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