Quem eu realmente sou? Sou um alguém inteiro, feliz, que não se limita a estereótipos, pois mudo, não sou estático, mas acima de tudo tenho amor-próprio e respeito pelo meu eu, pela vida que tenho e por todos que me cercam.
quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2020
Good night !!!!
That together we are strong, solidary, confident that if we do our part, aware of the responsibility we have with ours and with the whole, this will also pass ...
The universe has strength ... asks us to turn to the essentials. They put us in prayer, make us pause and reflect.
Circumstances call for a more careful and loving look at our fellow men and especially at the most vulnerable.
Science is struggling ...
The world is trying.
Let us unite in a firm and strong thought of protection and healing for all.
We will believe, have faith.
Will pass!
(Text by Rita Maidana)
A big hug and a super blessed night for you.
Joy, health abundance .......
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