domingo, 26 de abril de 2015


BELIEVE ...................

You need to have dreams, so you can get up every sometimes to fall. Believe that all good things can happen time and change the course of your life. You need to have large and small dreams. Small, are the fastest happiness, great, give you strength to bear the failure of small dreams. You have to water your dreams every day, as well as watering a plant that grows to ...... You need to always say to yourself, I can, I will overcome, I will get in my dream!
By doing so, you will be cultivating your light, the light always hope that can never fade, because it is the image that you can move on to other people, and through this light that everyone will admire you, believe in you and follow you.
Aim on the moon because if you can not achieve it, will surely be among the stars;

(Unknown author)

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