domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2016


Good  Night     !!!!!

Blessed be the lightness, my God. Blessed are the generous gifts that come to remind us that life can be easier. To love and be loved can be more fluid. That get out from the frequency of shortages and tune the station availability, where joys their music, but we do not hear. Blessed are the gifts that come to remember with relief that there are places of rest for our weariness. There loosening of places for our grips. Giving to refocus. It is not that complicated taste possible grace that lives in every moment. Blessed are the generous gifts that surprise us. They do not know how sometimes, many times, save us from ourselves.

A big hug and a beautiful night dreams ....

Joy, health, abundance ......

Text Ana Jácomo

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Bom dia  !!! "Não é sobre o que você reclama e sim sobre o que você lembra de agradecer. A vida na Terra não é fácil mesmo, vai ter ...