quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2016


Good Night  !!!!

"Blessed is he who distributes the peace, who speaks wisely and believe in the greater good.

Do not fear the evil of others because the traps of evil only fall who attune with it.

For that light with spiritual knowledge everything becomes a learning and progress.

No loss or retreat, everything is progress, knowledge enlightenment.

Believe as the light and continue its firm and strong way, always looking at what makes him good, ignoring the evil and moving on. This attitude leads to light, wisdom and peace.

With love, "

(Text Zibiah Gasparetto)

Sincerely, we blessed be our night.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be a blood donor: life thanks!"

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  "… Nada correu como planejado , e está tudo bem. Aprendi que a vida não segue um roteiro perfeito, que sempre haverá reviravoltas in...