domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2017


Good Day   !!!

"Within each choice is a resignation, I could tell how many good things I lost along the way by holding me where it was not my place, insisting on the same mistakes, staying with people who were not meant to fit into my life. We know that we always know what it is and what it is not to be But we remain static where we are no longer happy for fear of the unknown Time passes, life changes, people are transformed In the maturity I have learned that my Time is gold, and I only divide it with whoever is in the same vibration, in the same tune, dividing the same real dreams.I have discovered that the unknown can be something wonderful if we allow ourselves.I have no time for illusions, my balance has run out for ten lives I want the truth, the reality, the feet on the ground I want to feel that I'm on the right track And I'm And if the days do not point me in that direction I change the route without fear And until I take the right shortcut, My name is fresh. "

(Text by Virginia Mello)

A strong hug and a blessed domnigo with the family.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be a blood donor: life thanks!"

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