domingo, 12 de março de 2017


Good  night  !!!

And may the rest come to me ...
And a night of dreams.
I never lie down without first opening my heart to a prayer.
... A request, a thank you ... an outburst, a very intimate conversation ... a prayer.
So, my heart becomes 'quiet' ... I warm myself ... I fall asleep.
My faith allows me to dream about tomorrow ... hopes.
I travel in my dreams ... of peace ...

(Text of Luandrade)

A big hug and a blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance ......

"Look for a HEMOCENTER, be a blood donor, life thanks."


  Bom dia  !!! CURIOSIDADE O povo Bajau é a primeira tribo do mundo a evoluir para se adaptar à vida debaixo do mar. Passam a vida inteira...