quarta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2017


 Good   day  !!

"We are
the best. To turn pages already
read and reread and write news
of life. Ready to grow
good eyes, who see all the thousand
colors of hope. If so our
moods dawn, we finally have the chance
to harvest the freshest and most beautiful fruits
of all that God has good for us.
Because we are the size of our faith,
and our willingness to be happy. "

( Unknown author)

A big hug and a blessed day to all.

Joy, health, abundance

"Look for an HEMOCENTER, be it a blood donor."


Bom dia  !!! Nunca permitas que ninguém te faça esquecer quem tu és. A vida pode ser cheia de vozes que tentam moldar-te: caminhos que tent...