domingo, 3 de setembro de 2017


 Good  day !!

No one arrives on the other side of the sea without going through the waters, without facing the winds, without having to overcome the storms.
No one achieves anything alone without the help of others without having to fight, give up, cry sometimes.
Obstacles will arise, evil will try to sabotage your way, and you will have two options: Go ahead, or give up ....
The choice is yours, I just hope that you continue, because the one who goes to the end, reaches the unexpected of God.
Do not be afraid, have faith

( Unknown author )

A big hug and a blessed Sunday to all.

Joy, health, abundance

"Be a blood donor: life thanks!"


Bom dia  !!! "Não é sobre o que você reclama e sim sobre o que você lembra de agradecer. A vida na Terra não é fácil mesmo, vai ter ...