sábado, 9 de setembro de 2017


Good  day  !!

To read every day.
Are you waiting for what to live your wishes? !!
To make that trip that dreams a long time ago, to talk to that person about your well-wish, to send the message that is there annotated, stored in the thought, to work in what you like, to put into practice that nice idea, to cut the hair in a very different way, to kick the bucket, to break with what stifles what weighs and oppresses. To tell the truth that's stuck in your throat, to throw yourself in that embrace, to get your way, to make your story and live your way? To be happy ?!
Are you waiting for the right time, the right time, the right time?
Or are you waiting for the courage to knock on the door, pull you by the arm, and call you to live tomorrow?
No, do not wait, get up from there. Because the only guarantee that life gives us is today.
Tomorrow is far away and nobody is happy in it, because nobody lives there.
Live your wishes, your dreams straight, neat and the weird, the messy ones too.
But go there and live today, everything that can be, what gives to live.
What are you waiting for?!!

(Text by Rita Maidana.)

A big hug and a very blessed day to all

Joy, health abundance.

"Donate blood .... donate life"


Bom dia  !!! “A vida ensina o valor de cada coisa, e com o tempo a gente aprende… Aprende a sentir com suavidade e delicadeza o seu encanto...