sábado, 2 de setembro de 2017


 Good  night  !!

Sleeping dreams are those that do not wake up with you, are those you have left sleeping because you gave up fighting for them, or judging them impossible. Sleeping dreams are those that sadden our heart for the importance it has for us. It is these dreams that God awakens every morning, even if we do not want to, even if we have given up, even if we do not believe anymore, just to prove that he is God and we are careful, just to show us that even if our being fails, he is the force that governs all our hope.
God will fulfill your dreams ...

(Text of -Cfile Sfalsin)

A big hug and a blessed night to all.

Joy, health, abundance

"Be a blood donor: life thanks!"


Boa Noite  !!! Vai. Vai mesmo com medo, mesmo que hesites, mesmo que seja difícil. Arrisca... Arrisca lutar pelo que acreditas. E, me...