quinta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2018


 Good    day  !!

Sometimes the trials are so many that for a moment we stop believing in such a happy ending, but look, God does not give up on you and if you are living all this is for a great purpose. We are in a hurry, after all, suffering blinds us, but breathe and trust. God carries you in his arms and every bit of your heart is being cared for and transformed. Nothing is in vain. The torments come to make us strong, the obstacles only give us more desire to go forward. Trust.

(Text from)

A big hug and a blessed Thursday to all

Joy, health abundance.

"Donate blood: be supportive."


Bom dia  !!!! Meus pais foram casados por 55 anos. Certo dia, pela manhã, quando minha mãe descia para preparar o café da manhã para meu p...