segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2018



 Good  day   !!!

🕊 "Hope, it is not the last that dies, it is the first that is born when everything seems lost and without solution.
Because who has hope knows that one day the storm has to pass and that the weeping ceases giving place to joy.
For whoever has hope has confidence, whoever trusts has faith, who has faith has God, and who has it has everything. "🕊
(Text by Yla Fernandes)

A big hug and a blessed week everyone.

Joy, health abundance .....

"To give blood is a gesture of love to life, be supportive."


  Cada dia que vivemos é uma oportunidade que não volta atrás, somos feitos de energia e renascemos dia após dia! Tudo que compõe nosso se...