sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2018


Good night !!!

"Each one receives according to what he gives.
If you give hates and indifferences, you will receive them back.
But if you give attention and affection, you will find yourself surrounded by affection and love. No one approaches the hawthorn, because of the thorns, nor the mud, because it defiles. But everyone enjoys staying close to the flowers, which spread beauty and perfume.
Each one receives according to what he gives. "

( Unknown author )

A big hug and a blessed night to all.

Joy, health, abundance .....

"To donate blood is a gesture of love to the next, be supportive."


  “Existe uma coisa difícil de ser ensinada e que, talvez por isso, esteja cada vez mais rara: a elegância do comportamento. É a elegância ...