quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2019


Good  day    !!!

When the difficulties come, remember everything you've ever faced. Do not be a victim. Do not shrink to fit into worn molds. Recover your breath and trust in yourself. Give yourself a boost and get out of the comfort zone. You do not have to have a script ready, you just have the courage to move in this life.
Build your foundations and challenge yourself! It does not leave for tomorrow the (re) action that will make leverage new realities in the now!
It is you who determine what is really worthwhile and what is only taking up space.

(Text by MarcelyPieroniGastaldi.)

A big hug and a super blessed Thursday at all.

Joy, health abundance ....

"Giving blood is a gesture of love to the next."


  Boa noite  !!! “A vida não nos devolve as pessoas que perdemos, as lágrimas que derramamos, as palavras que não dissemos e as emoções que...