quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2019


Good day   !!!!

The secret may be to live one day at a time. Without precipitating the pain and without intensifying the fears. Embrace weaknesses and overcome them as enthusiasm and faith. Respect the time before the harvest, so that no weed spreads its damage. You can yes, just accept that not everything happens as you dreamed. Life fits in giving priority to what is best for you. Learn to thank for the deliverances.

(Text by MarcelyPieroniGastaldi)

A big hug and a super-blessed Thursday.

Joy, health abundance ......

"Giving blood is an act of love to the next."


Bom dia  !!!! Meus pais foram casados por 55 anos. Certo dia, pela manhã, quando minha mãe descia para preparar o café da manhã para meu p...