segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2019


Good night   !!!

The change you so expect is in you. There is no magic recipe. They are attempts and choices that guide you and make you find the answers you are waiting for. It is not overnight, and that sucks patience. Caution. Determination in dealing with situations. Renunciations and tolerance. It is not a search for responsible, your happiness depends only on you.

It takes a while, but you can. It is one step at a time, mistakes that shape and quiet heart that calms the anxiety of having everything ready. You can change the time you want, just not worth complaining if you choose to accommodate yourself to the possibilities. It's in your hands.

(Text by MarcelyPieroniGastaldi.)

A strong hug and blessed night to all.

Joy, health, abundance ......

"Giving blood is a gesture of love to the next,"


  Boa noite!!! "Perder a esperança em momentos difíceis é partir pra guerra já declarando a derrota Dias difíceis passam.... Assim c...