segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2020


Good   day     !!

'' A gift, a love, a smile ...
How much is a look worth?
A handshake, a phone call, a message? And a good day, a "go with God"?
All this, these simple things, are little droplets of love!
Be a cloud of blessings where to pass ...
Drip flowers, drip sweetness, don't be afraid to be light and salt in the world. ''

(Text by Gi Stadnicki)

A big hug and a very blessed week to all.

Joy, health abundance .....

"Donating blood is an act of love for others."


  História...... Este pobre mecânico estava namorando uma linda garota online. Um dia a gata pediu-lhe que mandasse dinheiro para o transpo...