quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2020


Good  night   !!!

"May the Angels decree openly
the healing season of matter and soul.
May health not lack,
that the tables are full,
that prosperity is wide,
may good energies be contagious ...
May the Master Jesus lead us through the best, the most lucid, flowery and illuminated paths ...
May Peace, Hope, Faith, Solidarity, Empathy and all forms of Love be our best companions ... "

(Text by Helena Rapozzo)

A big hug and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, health, abundance ......

"Donating blood is an act of love for others."


  Bom dia  !!!! Ter fé é entender que não controlamos tudo, que há uma força maior que orquestra o universo. É saber que nossos esforços, ...