sábado, 30 de maio de 2015

DO NOT GIVE UP .......

DO NOT GIVE UP ............

"I see so many people discrediting in love, giving up to be happy and trying to pass on to others their unbelief.

Like when someone starts dating and have to hear a 'ih, in the beginning is a bed of roses'; passes the entrance exam and hear who has best courses; He has one goal and someone says it's impossible; You want to travel and hear what is money thrown away.

Ugly give up on life and find that no one can achieve what we did not reach, uglier still vampirizing someone else's dream because our failed.

Use bitter words while the other is full of hope for the future is pure evil.

Some people search and manages. Some people (with their feet) is exactly what you expect in a relationship together. There are people who are super successful in situations where many have failed.

And there are people who prefer to face the fear of not work and pay to view, without worrying about the result that other people had in similar situations. After all, life is the best learning.

So to see with this mania to infect others with their disappointments.

Because what for you was tumbling to the other can be a flight (loudly) with a view to happiness. "😜

(Karla Tabalipa)

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Bom dia  !!! Nunca permitas que ninguém te faça esquecer quem tu és. A vida pode ser cheia de vozes que tentam moldar-te: caminhos que tent...