domingo, 17 de maio de 2015

THANK .... ALWAYS ......

THANK .... ALWAYS ......

I greatly appreciate the life, God, who always gives me what I need at the right time. So do not get anxious and worried, everything in the universe is to me in abundance. Usufruo of all wealth there is.

I am the son, then an heir!

Am fruit, so bloom It!

I am being blessed, so bless!

I LOVE, therefore I attract; love, light, peace, serenity, magic, life, health, wealth, move!

I am grateful!

(Marcia Vieira

Hay Teacher)

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Bom dia  !!! Nunca permitas que ninguém te faça esquecer quem tu és. A vida pode ser cheia de vozes que tentam moldar-te: caminhos que tent...