domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015


Good   Night    !!!!          ............

"There are people so spontaneous and who can dribble life so easily, to live seems to play.

Others carry the burden of their pain and everything seems very difficult.

There are is given the magnitude of resilience, some is given wisdom, patience.

Others have rare intelligence.

Some are simple, some sophisticated, elegant.

Some are of the earth, others are clouds.

Everyone, absolutely everyone, exercising their irreplaceable role in this land and no one should be given pride of fit. "

Big hug ...... Great dreams ........

Joy, health, abundance ...........

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  Boa Noite  !!! Eu te desejo vida, longa vida Te desejo a sorte de tudo que é bom De toda alegria, ter a companhia Colorindo a estrada...