quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2016


Good  Night   !!!!!

"Never underestimate. Fight for what is right. Save feelings inside of us just makes us sick. Love knocks on our doors in different ways and forms. Loving others is never too much, love less is too much. You should hear the voice heart. Honesty is everything. the character is essential. Open your eyes to the things that really matter, discard the rest. Only a few you can put your trust, but those few are always with you and in one way or another must always be reminded not make the routine a lifestyle Seek new horizons Make new discoveries sometimes we need to change and the most important:..... always be you and not spend your life being half of what it should be. "

A strong hug ...... A blessed night ...... Beautiful Dreams ...

Joy, health abundance .....

Caroline Bespalec text

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