domingo, 23 de outubro de 2016


Good Day  !!!!

Say no, it's liberating. It's good. It calms the heart and encouraged to continue. You finally imposed. It tells who came and put on clean dishes its limits. It is not out there doing everything they expect you to do and leave aside their priorities and needs. Tap your foot to keep his balance. It is not swallow sapo. Please note that times have changed and that generosity to many turns abuse of hand and direct interest. Respect yourself. There is no selfishness you preserve the essence and value what makes you feel good really ...

A strong hug and a blessed Sunday with the family.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be A BLOOD donor: life thanks!"

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Boa Noite !!! Mantém-te humilde. Sabes o que é a humildade? É saberes que não és mais que ninguém. É aceitares que cometes erros. É acei...