sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2016


Good Night  !!!

While you are useful and have something interesting to offer, you will always be an amazing person for some, it is always surrounded by people "friends" and their mistakes for more absurdities that are will be worthy of applause and laughter in life who flatters you . But the day you only have one heart, a feeling, and a corner to lean, you will see that the carpet that you have extended one day, only served to bring you down ... Beware of those who only know how to flatter ...

                                                    - (Cecilia Sfalsin Text)
Sincerely, blessed night you all.

Joy, health abundance.

"Look for a HEMOCENTRO, be a blood donor."

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Boa Noite !!! Mantém-te humilde. Sabes o que é a humildade? É saberes que não és mais que ninguém. É aceitares que cometes erros. É acei...