domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2017


Good Day   !!!

Nothing that was will be

Again the way it's been a day

Everything passes, everything will pass

Life comes in waves, like a sea

In an infinite coming and going

Everything you see is not

Just like we saw in a second

Everything changes all the time in the world

It's no good running away

Do not lie to yourself now.

There is so much life out there

Always inside always

Like a wave in the sea ...

(Letra de Lulu Santos)

A big hug .. A HAPPY NEW YEAR

Joy, health abundance.

"Be a Giver of BLOOD: Life thanks!"

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  Bom dia!!! Para Refletir!!!!!!! Depois de um longo e duro dia de trabalho, minha mãe colocou um prato com um pedaço de carne e um pão to...