segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2017


Good Day  !!!

Do not hurry. It's time to review your priorities and embrace the chance to start over. Change what has bothered you and follow new achievements. Take the dust out of the old dreams and strive to give life to what you believe to be the best. Pause anxiety and focus on what makes you feel good. To enter into harmony with the heart. Overcome sadness and dispense the pessimism of those who live finding excuses not to leave the place. Venture more into the art of living intensely. Move your world without waiting for things to just fall from the sky.

(Text by MarcelyPieroniGastaldi)

A big hug and a blessed week to all.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be a Giver of BLOOD, Life is Thankful!"

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Bom dia  !!! Nunca permitas que ninguém te faça esquecer quem tu és. A vida pode ser cheia de vozes que tentam moldar-te: caminhos que tent...