domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2017


Good Day  !!!

The highest prayer is to be happy for nɑdɑ.
It's just creeping down.
Love who does not love us.
Respect limits, fears, and differences.
It's forgiveness, mistakes.
It is to have our eyes turned to the sun.
It is to have the triple heart.
Bring a seed of hope
Where ɑ flower dɑ vidɑ has already dried fɑz time ...
The greatest prayer people do not do
"Fuck," the fɑz people are smiling.

A big hug and a blessed week.

Joy, health abundance;

"Being a blood donor is a gesture of love to the next."

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  Boa Noite  !! “Aprendi que nem tudo merece alguma reação, ou ação. Às vezes é melhor virar as costas, respirar fundo e deixar que as pes...