quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2017


Good evening !!!!

So it's almost tomorrow. O sluggish day sleeps ... You will have a dream, you will have an angel guarding you, watching over you sleep. Remaking peace, harmony in the soul of those who want good ... You will have angel healing, angel singing, touching hearts. Reviewing yesterday, scribbling the projects. Turning everything clean, just to see people happy ...

(Text by Rita Maidana)

A big hug and a blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance ....

Look for a HOMOCENTER, be a blood donor: life thanks!


  Boa Noite  !!!! A casa da gente é mais do que um espaço físico, é um refúgio, um abraço silencioso onde a alma encontra descanso. Ali, e...