quarta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2017


 Good  night  !!

Our Father, who are in the flowers, in the song of the birds, in the heart to pulse; That you are in compassion, charity, patience and the gesture of forgiveness. Our Father, who art in me, who art in him whom I love, in him who strives on me, in him who seeks the truth. May your name be praised for all that is beautiful, good, just, and gracious. Of peace and justice, faith and charity, light and love. Thy will be done, though my prayers prevail more my pride than my real needs. Forgive my offenses, my mistakes, my faults. Forgive me when my heart becomes cold, Forgive me, just as I can forgive those who offend me, even when my heart is wounded. Do not let me fall into the temptations of errors, vices, and selfishness. And deliver me from all evil , Of all violence, of all misfortune, of all disease. Deliver me from all pain, from all sorrow and from all disillusionment. But even so, when these difficulties become necessary, may I have the strength and courage to say: Thank you, Father, for this lesson! So be it!

A big hug and a blessed night to all.

Joy, health, abundance

"Be a blood donor: life thanks!"


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