domingo, 7 de janeiro de 2018


 Good   day  !!

Donate ...

Friend, love the most. Love makes work pleasant, makes friendship sincere, strengthens the bonds between people.
He turns the criminal into a saint, the sick into the sane, and calms the afflicted. It lubricates the machine of life.
Thoughts of love change the inner structure of your mind for the better. You progress and you perfect yourself.
He detaches himself from selfishness and attains peace.
Do not close yourself. Donate.
True love abides in him who gives himself.

(Text by Lourival Lopes-)

A strong hug and super Sunday blessed to all.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be supportive: give blood!"


  História...... Este pobre mecânico estava namorando uma linda garota online. Um dia a gata pediu-lhe que mandasse dinheiro para o transpo...