quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2018


 Good  night  !!

Gratitude is such a pleasant sensation ... It grows where seedlings are thrown, blossoms under the sun. Of a warm heart and good, grows more when it is cared for. Almost everyone has reasons for gratitude when people in our lives have time to share and let us know by good deeds that we are in their thoughts and that they care.As things that you do, with so much understanding and kindness, fill me with gratitude for having your friendship. Thank you for caring about me, it brightens my life. "

(Text by Adeni Gomes)

A big hug and a super blessed night.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be supportive: give blood, life thanks!"


  Bom dia  !!! CURIOSIDADE O povo Bajau é a primeira tribo do mundo a evoluir para se adaptar à vida debaixo do mar. Passam a vida inteira...