sexta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2018


Good  night !!!

To recall...
There are nights when sleep overwhelms me ... there is no way!
Rest is all I need ... to fall asleep.
If possible, without dreaming, which is not to tire ...
May you have the well-deserved rest, a peaceful night of warmth ...
May God, in your prayers, be present ... thank you.
Make sure that living, day after day, is a miracle ... celebrate.
Thank you for walking around here and leaving a care.
I will wait for you tomorrow.

(Text of Luandrade)

A big hug and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance.

"Give blood: give life!"


  Boa Noite  !!! "Tomara que a gente não desista de ser quem é por nada nem ninguém deste mundo. Que a gente reconheça o poder do outr...