quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018


 Good  night   !!!

Make your own story from you. Help only those who accept your help. Stop lying to yourself and take honesty with yourself to the fullest extent. Find out who you are from who you are. Be rebellious in all that you do for yourself. Dare to think of what you never thought to do what you did not dream you could do. Vibrate for your truth and for all those that have become yours with time. Never cease to believe in love, but you will inevitably believe in its opposite. You have faith in doubt, because it is a sign that there are certainties. Unbind yourself from everything that wants to keep you from your world. Be thrilled with all that is offered to you by life. Now how alone do you know how to do it and who else do you want, because when you pray you are also committing yourself to your destiny. Follow your biggest call, even if it takes you to where you've been before. And be always authentic, because without authenticity you will not go anywhere where you feel at home.

(Text by José Micard Teixeira.)

A big hug and a super blessed night.

Joy, health abundance ....

"Giving blood is a gesture of love to the next."


  Existem vazios que só se preenchem com um pouco de si mesmo. Aprenda que a vida do outro, a casa do outro, o coração do outro, são todos...