sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2018


Good night   !!!!

Longing for the time when we were children and we would cry on our lap, sweet or in the morning.
Over the years, we are losing our innocence and we begin to understand the world as it really is - full of good and bad people, a pity that we often acquire evil, for vengeance perhaps. We spend more time trying to harm a person who has done us harm, and we forget about the people who do us so well, but since nothing is by chance in this life, everything follows as learning. The tear can sometimes hurt, but it removes the pain gradually, it does not cause us to suffocate.
Cry today, but do not forget that once you put your head on the pillow and fall asleep, soon a new dawn will come - that will heal you and take you as a bonus the chance of a restart.

(Text by Vitor Ávila)

A big hug and a super blessed night.

Joy, health, abundance ...

"Giving blood is a gesture of love to the next."


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