quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2019


 Good  night  !!!

"Nature never repeats itself.
There are not two raindrops
equals or two snowflakes the same. Our fingerprints are all different, we are all different. We were made to be different. When we can accept this, there is neither competition nor comparison. Trying to be like another person only serves to atrophy our soul. We came on this planet to express who we are ... "

(Text by Louise L. Hay)

A strong hug and a wonderful and blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance ...

"Take part in campaigns: DOE BLOOD: give life ..."


  "Toda janela é uma poesia. As da casa e as da alma. Janela tem um ar de pensamento solto, de ventania, de paisagem e de saudade. É...