domingo, 14 de abril de 2019


Good   day   !!!!

Do good

Without waiting for applause, without creating expectations, without expecting retribution. Do it for your difference in life, for the kindness of your heart, for gratitude. Respect the other as he is, do not talk about what you did not see or what you did not feel, but be a wise person, honest with yourself, who walks through the eyes of faith, the direction of God and what you really are ... no masks ..... "

(Text by Cecília Sfalsin)

A big hug and a super blessed Sunday with your family.


Joy, health, abundance

"Giving blood is a gesture of love to the next."


  Boa Noite  !!!! A casa da gente é mais do que um espaço físico, é um refúgio, um abraço silencioso onde a alma encontra descanso. Ali, e...