sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2019


Good   day   !!!

Seeing setbacks as a way of improvising new attitudes is a daily exercise that requires renouncing "being right" and just being happy in the face of life's possibilities.
It is about having a waist and taking a deep breath to shake the bad mood and to handle everything that needs to be done. Take away the heavy energy and focus on oxygenating the lung with hope and faith.
Let it be of light and buildings.

(Text by MarcelyPieroniGastaldi)

A big hug and a very blessed Friday to all.

Joy, health abundance ....

"Be a blood donor: life thanks you!"


  Para refletir.. Um dos homens mais ricos e poderosos do Brasil, Chiquinho Scarpa, fez o mundo parar quando anunciou que iria enterrar o ...