domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2019


Good   day     !!!

"A propitious day for spreading our Light, sharing our Good Luck to have absolutely everything we need for our Fullness, including the absence of some things, which is the stoning to our most precious learning. A propitious day to renew our Faith." Love and the Other and to vibrate positively so that we are a magnet for whole, reciprocal, healthy, true relationships.
A propitious day to receive consciously this portion of LIFE! "

(Text by Marla de Queiroz.)

A big hug and a blessed Sunday with your families.

Joy, health abundance .....

"Donating blood is a gesture of love to others."


  Para refletir.. Um dos homens mais ricos e poderosos do Brasil, Chiquinho Scarpa, fez o mundo parar quando anunciou que iria enterrar o ...